European Football Clubs Continue Global Dominance Online

European Football Clubs Continue Global Dominance Online

European football clubs continue to prove their dominance in world sport, showing rapid growth on social media and continuing to stay ahead of competitors. With the amount of interaction between fans and their favourite sporting teams consistently growing, this number is expected to rise drastically in coming years.

Aligning brands with these leagues has proven a valuable asset to companies all around the world. The three most-influential teams are Real Madrid, Barcelona and Manchester United, sharing an incredible 391 million followers on Twitter and Facebook between the clubs. A total of 14 European clubs currently have more than 10 million likes on Facebook, with five of these clubs also boasting more than 10 million followers on Twitter.

The excitement surrounding the biggest leagues in the world has enabled brands to advertise in targeted regions or globally through the likes of advertising and influencer marketing. As an example of reach, La Liga superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has used the popularity of the league and prestigious football club to grow his audience. The Real Madrid striker has an enormous 69 million followers on Twitter alone, as well as outperforming any of Europe’s top-division clubs with 122 million fans on Facebook.

When it comes to audience engagement, there isn’t much of a more dedicated fan base than European football. 22 European club websites attracted more than a million visitors in September, with Real Madrid and Manchester United leading the way. These website hits are not only local, allowing the football clubs and brands included to reach unparalleled audiences. For example, only 8.9% of Barcelona’s visitors are in Spain, with the rest being from overseas.

As football’s popularity continues to grow, it remains one of the most effective platform for brands to advertise in target markets.

