Content creators refers to both streamers and video creators.
Content creators give Project11 the right to use their name and imagery to promote their stream.
Project11 reserve the right to contact all content creators regarding potential campaigns.
Project11 do not guarantee a minimum number of campaigns through signing up to The Programme, with each campaign being created to meet clients’ and brands’ objectives, allotted based on factors which cannot be determined.
Content creators can create a ban list for Project11 to take note of, including any specific categories or brands you are not able to work with.
Content creators must provide Project11 access to analytics, providing accurate follower and viewership data.
Streamers must have a front-facing camera which is used in content.
Content creators must have the ability to embed advertising.
Content creators must not go directly to any of Project11’s proposed brands in any way, including any form of contact.
You are responsible for your actions at all times, with Content creators accepting no responsibility for streamers’ actions.
Project11 reserve the right to remove any streamer from The Programme at any point, at Project11’s sole discretion.
Any use of brands’ or partners’ logo remain the IP of respective owners and must adhere to brand guidelines.
Use of Project11 or partner logos requires approval for usage and placement, with anybody using this following all guidelines and requests regarding the logo.
Content created by the content creators complies with the terms and conditions set by the platforms the content is posted on. Platforms including but not limited to Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Google+.
No illegal, racist, sexist or discriminatory content of any kind is permitted, as well as pornography or hateful content.
Content creators are responsible for keeping Project11 updated with any significant changes to the content schedule.
Project11 will endeavour to protect your data at all times, with no third party other than Project11 partners and having any access to personal data.
You are responsible for providing accurate information and data to Project11, updating Project11 on any major changes.